Customization of Online Store

Your Online Store is your identity and presence on the internet. The importance of enriching it cannot be overemphasized. Here are a few things that you can do to enrich and customize it for maximum impact.

  1. Profile bio- Your profile bio should explain your business and about the products or services that you provide. You may also mention how many years you have been in business since that helps build credibility. Other things that you can mention are any notable achievements that will create a positive impression on your customer.
  2. Location- It is very important to mention your location, since that is one of the first things that a customer can relate to.
  3. Profile Image- Your profile image can be your logo or logomark. This instantly helps identify you and creates a brand recall. Recommended size for profile image is 160*160 px. JPG and PNG file formats are supported with a maximum size of 500 MB.
  4. Contact Details- The Online Store has a ‘contact’ button using which your customers can reach out to you. Many customers have queries which they need to have clarified before they initiate a payment. For this reason, you are advised to update and verify your phone number and email address. You can also mention your website, and social pages here.

All the above details can be edited under ‘Profile Settings’ from your Dashboard.** **

Cover Image

Cover image has proven to be the element that has influenced followers the most on any social network. An image here gives you space to communicate and reinforce your brand message much more than text.

You can edit your cover image on your Online Store directly by using the Edit option on it.

What are the dimensions of the images on the online store?

The ideal dimensions are as follows:

Profile Image – 160px x 160px

Cover Image – 1100px x 200px

Product Card Image – 312px x 224px

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