Can I create a test account or sandbox account on Instamojo?
Yes, Instamojo does provide you with an option to create a sandbox account to test your integration before you can go live on your website or application. You can test various scenarios and use a dummy card for test transactions. We have mentioned the steps to create a test account below
You can create an account on
The OTP for is 1234.
For payments use the following card details:
Credit Card:
Mastercard -
Card Number: 5214 4789 0000 5330
Expiry: 01/2025
CVV: 123
OTP: 111111
Card Number: 4065 6200 0000 1239
Expiry: 01/2025 CVV: 123 OTP: 111111
Debit Card:
Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
Expiry: 01/25
CVV: 111
For API you can access your new developers credentials(API key, Auth Token and Salt) from here:
You will have to replace to everywhere in the code including the API endpoints.
Please note - You do not have to submit documents or go through the onboarding flow when you create a test account.