Types of Products that you can Add

If you’re wondering which category to add your product under, here’s what might help:

If you require the customer’s address for purposes of shipping the product, please add the product under the ‘Physical Product’ section. The ‘Physical Product’ section also has a field for ‘Shipping Days’ where you can estimate the no. of days you’ll be able to ship the product to your customer. Keep this on the higher side since it’s better not to over-promise and not deliver the product in time.

Essentially, the payment form and the information for each of the product link differs slightly.

There are four kinds of Product categories that can be added on Instamojo:


  1. Physical Product:If you’re selling a product that will require to be shipped,add a product under the physical product section.
  1. Digital Product: If you’re selling any kind of digital file, add product under the digital product section. After the payment is successful, the download to the digital file starts automatically. Your customer will also receive a link download the file over the confirmation email.
  2. Event Tickets: If you’re selling tickets for an event, add product under the ‘Event Tickets’ section. You have additional fields like ‘Venue’, Start Time and End Time for your customers to have all information in one place before buying their tickets.
  3. **Other: **If your product does not fall under any of the above mentioned categories, you might want to add product under Other section.


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