**What is a Payment Button? **
A product link can be converted into a payment button, which can be placed on your website or blog so that customers can directly click on it and make payments on your webpage without getting redirected to Instamojo
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**How to create a payment button for a link? **
You will get an HTML code snippet which you can copy and paste in your website or blog.
You can customize the payment button
- Style b) Text c) Behaviour
Remote Checkout: This allows you to load the Instamojo Product link on your website so the payment can take place there itself.
Redirect Link: This allows you to redirect or send the user to the Instamojo payment page so he can make the payment there.
** **You can see the live preview of the button as you customize it.
Can I do even more advanced customization on the payment button?
Yes, you can make the button completely your own - coupled with your page styling, and even remove the Instamojo logo.
If you are a developer, you can customize the button using CSS:
- Generate a code for the payment button, choosing None as the Button Style.
- Use the CSS3 Button generator to generate a CSS for the button.
- Change the CSS class from ‘.btn’ to ‘.im-checkout-btn’.
To redirect back to your website, open the product link and go to the advanced settings of the product. Here you can set the custom redirect URL.