What is a Payment Link?
A payment link is simply an online payment method where the merchant can create a payment link online and share it with the customers to make a hassle-less payment.
How to create a payment link and start collecting payments online using Instamojo?
As a merchant, you can create a payment link from your Instamojo Dashboard, by using our payment link generator. You can also set a purpose of payment on this link and share it with your customers across any communication channel like WhatsApp, Email, SMS, Facebook, etc.
Read our blog on How to Use Instamojo Payment Links for more detailed information.
Payment links will not clutter your online store, hence they can be used for integration on your website as well. This is the simple “Pay with a link” that creates a personalized link with a payment purpose for you:
Login to your Dashboard and click on ‘Create a Payment Link’.
Here, you will find 2 different options named "Quick Link" and "Smart Link". While creating a quick link, you can give the Reason for payment and the Amount to create a payment link.
- In a smart link, you get more features to customize your payment link. The below screenshots will give you an overview of the available options in a smart link:
Step 1: Select the Tab Smart Link
Purpose of Payment:-
Enter the Purpose of payment (This gives payment information to the customer)
Smart Pricing Type:-
Select the type of pricing (Flat Pricing/Amount Breakup) based on your requirement
Flat Pricing: You can specify only one pricing here, for your service/product.
Amount Breakup: Here, you can give the break up on the pricing if multiple services/products are involved.
Expire Link & Limit Payments:-
Set the validity of the smart link, you can either expire the link on a specific date&time or limit the use of the smart link based on the count.
Step 2: Click on the button Next: Customize Link to be redirected to the next page.
Customize Payment Page:-
Click on customize payment page to write a short description about the payment link and also have the image uploaded. (This field is optional)
Change Color:-
You can choose to change the header color of the smart link from the list of provided palettes. (This is Optional)
Collect Customer Information:-
You can also, collect additional information from the customers like address, and GST Details, or create your own custom fields based on your requirements.
Custom Fields: You can request additional custom information from your customers during the checkout process.
The custom fields that you have created are shown on the checkout page, the users during their checkout process can fill in the custom field information and this data is passed on to you on the dashboard under the payments section.
For example, if you are collecting payments for a product called a birthday cake, and you want to collect a custom message for the birthday cake. You can add it as a custom field to your product.
Smart Actions:-
Here, you can either add a thank you note to the customer, a redirection URL, or add a webhook to collect the payment details onto a different repository.
Step 3: Click on Done and the smart payment link is created.
Once you click on create/done, you will reach the page where the link is visible and you can also share the payment link by using Whatsapp/Email/generate a QR code/ use the link as a payment button. Else, you can copy the link and share it on your blog or your page.
Tip: If you create the link on your mobile device, you can share the link using SMS too.