Builder Platform Access: Free vs. Paid Plans

Feature  Lite Plan Users  Starter / Growth Plan Users
Hero Banner Configure and edit settings Configure and edit settings
Nav Bar Configure and edit settings Configure and edit settings
Rich Text Editor  Configure and edit settings Configure and edit settings
Category Showcase Configure and edit settings Configure and edit settings
Product Showcase  Configure and edit settings Configure and edit settings
Re-order Sections Re-order sections as needed Re-order sections as needed
Hide/Unhide Elements Hide or unhide elements as needed Hide or unhide elements as needed
Image+Text Section (Paid) - Configure and edit settings
Text Section (Paid) - Configure and edit settings
Testimonials (Paid) - Configure and edit settings
Duplicate Section (Paid) - Duplicate sections as needed
Add New Section (Paid) - Add new sections to the home page
Select and Apply New Layouts - Choose and apply layouts to the page
Hide/Unhide Sections (Paid) - Hide or unhide entire sections


Whether you're on our free plan or one of our paid plans, the Builder Platform is designed to empower you with the tools you need to create a stunning online store that represents your brand and captivates your audience. Feel free to explore these features and functionalities to make the most of your eCommerce journey.

If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is always here to help.

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