Auto Shipment Tracking Premium Feature Guide

Welcome to the Auto Shipment Tracking Premium Feature! This guide is tailored for our merchants, providing insights into how this app works and the remarkable benefits it offers.

Exclusive Benefits for subscribed Merchants:

  • Provides real-time updates on order status.
  • Enhances customer satisfaction with timely information.
  • Simplified order management for a smoother workflow.

How It Works:

Merchant Subscribed to the App: 

The app costs 3000 mojo plus points /month. 

Subscribing to the Auto Shipment Tracking app allows you to have both the benefits of manually updating the order statuses & also automatically tracking the order statuses.

  • You can toggle ON the Tracking ID for real-time tracking capabilities.
  • Experience improved customer satisfaction by providing timely information on order status.

Login to your dashboard > Reports > Store Orders > All orders > Update Order status for the respective order > Enable Tracking ID 

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Merchant Not Subscribed to the App:

  • You will have the ability to manually update order statuses.
  • The Tracking ID toggle will be disabled, indicating the need for a subscription.

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Existing Users - Auto Shipment Tracking:

Existing users need to subscribe to continue activating the Auto Shipment Tracking feature for new orders. 

App Store Integration:

  • Login to your Instamojo dashboard > Find the Auto Shipment Tracking app in the app store under "Business Tools"
  • Subscription is hassle-free with an intuitive interface and clear pricing details. 

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Please be aware that the option to subscribe will only be activated if you possess an adequate amount of mojo plus points in your system. 

Easily Subscribe with Mojo Plus Points:

  • In case of insufficient points, simply add mojo plus points to your account for a seamless subscription process.

Login to your Instamojo dashboard > Find the App Store > Buy Points 

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Deduct Points for Premium Access:

Deducts only 3000 mojo plus points from your account when you opt for this premium feature.
Each point is equivalent to 118 rupees per 1000 points, ensuring a transparent and cost-effective subscription.

Subscribe today, and ensure your business operations are elevated with timely information and efficiency!

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