What are Page Scripts?
You can specify java or jquery scripts to your store pages with Instamojo and Customize specific pages of your store accordingly.
Here is a step-by-step procedure to add page-specific scripts to your dashboard
From the left Panel in your dashboard select Online store -> Store Settings -> Scripts
- Selecting the Page Specific Scripts option will land you on the page script page.
- Click on the add page specific scripts option on the top right corner of the page.
- A pop-up window will appear. Fill in the relevant details.
- Page where to add the script - From the drop down menu select the page where the script has to be added.
- If you select a group of pages then another drop down menu will appear asking for the specific page where the script has to be added. For example, if you select categories then the list of all categories will appear for you to select.
- Script - Enter the script here.

Select the pages where you want to add the page script.
Add the script
View your online store about us page and check out for Page script changes on the store home page.
Here's how the page script will be shown on your Store website