Tax Settings

Add all your tax-related information like GSTIN, specify your regional taxes, set country-wise tax rules and category wise tax rules under ‘Tax Settings’ section

Here's how you can set all your Tax related information in your Dashboard 

From the left panel in your dashboard go to Online store -> Store -> Tax Settings


GSTIN Information 

All businesses registered under GST are provided with a unique identification number known as GSTIN or GST Identification Number. It is unique for every taxpayer. 

Fill the details in the following fields to Update GST Information 

  • GSTIN value - It refers to the Goods and Services Tax Identification Number (GSTIN).
  • Home state/ Region/ Province - The state where your store is registered. 
  • Click on the “Save” button to save the details.

From the drop-down menu select ‘Tax Exclusive’ if the prices of your products do not have tax components included in them.

Tax Items

Government charges taxes on the goods or services you provide. So, you will have to set up tax items and tax rules, depending upon various factors, based on which your customers will be charged when they purchase anything from your store. 

Add the following details to Update Tax Items


Country Wise Tax Rules

 Add a new tax item on region level tax


Click on Add a new tax item


Category Wise Tax Rules 

Add tax items on a category level 

Click on Add CTR


 Click on Add CTR


HSN Codes 

HSN is a six-digit uniform code that classifies more than 5,000 products and is accepted worldwide. You can upload the HSN codes for your various products using the HSN code bulk uploader feature.

You can also export the data in Excel



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