Banner Images

We are glad to inform you that you can now add banner images to your Instamojo Online Store easily. Below is the step-by-step process for adding banner images to your Instamojo online store:

  • Log in to your Instamojo Merchant Dashboard and from the left side panel, GoTo>Online Store>Store Setup> Edit Theme
  • Under Slider Image, you can add the images and details as shown below:


  • Select the "Slider enabled" box" if you wish all the images to be in sliding motion on your online store and add the following details:

Image: Upload an image that you would want to show on your store home page as a banner image.

Update heading: Heading will be placed in the middle of the image.

Subheading: Subheading will be placed under the heading in the middle of the image. 

Link: Link the image with a URL page. The URL page will be the landing page where the visitor can click on the image and land on the linked page.

Type of Slider: Select App or website or both options based on which platform you would want the images to be a slider type. Say for example: -  if you choose a website all the banner images will be a slider type.

  • Once the details are entered, check out your online store to View the updated Banner Images on your Store.
  • Here's how your Banner Images are shown on your online store home page :

PS: You can add only 1 image to this feature if you are using a free store. To add up to 10 images, please upgrade your store plan. You can refer here to know more about the same: Online store plans.

We hope this article was helpful. Do feel free to share your feedback and queries with us.

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