Manage Product Reviews

Managing reviews of your eCommerce business is Important. It provides you with one of the most essential things i.e Customer Feedback. In order to maintain the reputation of your business in the online market, you must manage your reviews wisely.

Here's how you can manage your Product Reviews all in one place:

  • Log in to your Instamojo Dashboard, and from the left panel in your dashboard, Go to> Online store> Products> Reviews & Ratings


  • This page will show you the following details:
  1. Name: It will have the name of the customer who reviewed the product.
  2. Product: It will have the details of the product reviewed.
  3. Review message: This will have the Text body of the reviews.
  4. Created date: Date of review.
  5. Status: Status of the review.
  6. Action: Edit or delete the review.
  • You can easily manage your reviews on the ‘Manage review’ page which has all the reviews of the customers about various products on your Online Store.
  • Below screenshot shows the drop-down menu once you click on the 3 dots against the review:


  • You can view, approve, reject, or delete the reviews depending on how you would like to act on any particular review your online store products receive. With the help of these, you can ensure that only worthy and informational reviews go live on your website. 

Note: This feature is available only on the paid plans of the online stores. Refer here to know more about the same: instamojo online store plans

We hope this article was helpful. For any feedback/queries, do write to us at

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